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NEPSA 2025: APRIL 24-26

The 2025 Annual Meeting of the New England Political Science Association will convene on April 24-26, 2025, at the Omni Mt. Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, NH.  Panels will be held on Friday, April 25 and Saturday, April 26; a pre-conference welcome event will be held on Thursday, April 24.

To submit a proposal for the 2024 Annual Meeting, please roll your cursor over "2025 CONFERENCE" in the menubar, and select the appropriate page in the drop-down menu.  Please note that there are two separate pages for paper submissions: one for faculty and graduate students, and a second page for undergraduates.

Please also note that where a full pre-formed panel is being submitted, each paper panelist must submit a proposal for their own paper in addition to the panel chair's submission of the panel itself.

We also invite volunteers to serve on panels as chairs and/or discussants; there is a page in the drop-down menu to volunteer.  Direct links to submit are also available here (click on the appropriate item):

Conference registration and hotel reservation pages will be available on the drop-down menu in early 2025, after proposal decisions have been communicated.  For future reference, the early-bird registration rates for NEPSA 2025 will be between $180 and $250 for current faculty (based on a new tiered registration system for faculty), and $100 for students and emeritus faculty; the conference hotel room rate will be $225 per night.

For more information, please contact Steven Lichtman, Executive Director / Program Chair.

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